FREE Best Next Step Call!

If you're thinking about coaching or you'd like to try it out, this is where to start.

Suppose you're a creative person feeling stuck and dissatisfied in your career, passion project, or business. In that case, this call will help you rise above the challenges and difficulties long enough to see exactly what you need to do next. This is not a sales call; this is a coaching session. If you decide that coaching with me is something you'd like to continue, we'll discuss how to proceed from here.

You may record this one-hour call if you wish, and you're welcome to take notes. Session transcripts are available, but please request them before we begin.  Please join me in a comfortable place where you are free from distractions. Plan to be uninterrupted during this time. Thanks!

** Limit: one Best Next Step Call per person. If you already had one, please select a different coaching session option for subsequent calls. 

Cancellation policy: You may cancel your Best Next Step Call up to 24 hours before we're scheduled to meet, and you may reschedule at your convenience. Appointments canceled within 24 hours of their scheduled time and those that are missed without notice won't be made up or allowed for rescheduling. Thanks.