Learning Anything New
There's a pervasive belief that certain skills are inborn, innate talents and don't require any kind of learning or practice. Another belief suggests that new skills shouldn't take time to be mastered and that they should be easily adapted and integrated. Life doesn't work that way. If you're learning to play the guitar, you'll spend hour after hour, day after day, week after week, and year after year learning and mastering the craft. The same goes for your business. YOu will have to learn how to plan, how to market, how to sell, and how to serve. Those aren't second nature until they've been mastered, and mastery doesn't happen overnight. I still have one guitar student, and I'm not currently taking on any more, thanks. This one guitar student is diligent in practicing, and she makes steady progress. When she masters a song, she doesn't stop playing it. It becomes a part of her repertoire, and she needs to continue playing it, so she doesn...