
Showing posts with the label mindset

Working With the Rhythm of Life - Laura Livingston

Is your tank empty? Do you need some time for solitude, recharge, and to reconsider how you've been living, loving, and working? Is willpower not enough to do everything that you've committed to doing? That's the jumping-off point for this visit with coach Laura Livingston on the Your Own Best Company podcast. This conversation follows up on our last, which was on the topic of listening to your body.  In this episode, we cover: ** Health and business sustainability. ** The difference between willpower and empowerment. ** Making space for emotional experience. ** and inspired action. Find Laura online at And on LinkedIn: Thank you for listening, subscribing, reviewing, and sharing Your Own Best Company, a podcast for people who love working alone! #burnout #worklifebalance #rhythmoflife 

Mindset, Worldview, and Experience

Fill in the blank; Life is happening __________ me. Changing one word in that blank can change our entire experience. At various times in my life I've felt like life was happening to me, though me, for me, and in me. In each one of those times, I had wildly different worldviews accompanied by wildly different experiences.  The movement from victimhood to freedom was one of several stages in which my mindset shifted, usually after a long period of struggle, difficulty, and surrender. These shifts have been on my mind recently as several clients have been in the process of releasing old patterns and fixations. #mindset #worldview #lifeexperience 

Nourishing Silence

Today my being came to an almost full stop. Despite the list of things I wanted to accomplish and the regular things I would do on a Sunday, today was a day made for silence. Not just quiet - silence. There is a depth of silence that isn't always easy to reach, but it's always here, and it is the silence that restores, replenishes, and nourishes. It doesn't manifest as more energy but rather as deep peace and calm. I've had recent conversations with a couple of people who need a full reset, but it's nearly impossible for them to stop long enough for it to happen. It's almost as if they are frightened they'll be unable to return to their normal hustle and bustle if they allow themselves even a few hours of this nourishment. Some of the most well-known spiritual masters invite people to stop. Today I understand why. #silence #mindset #reset  

Creativity and Opportunity

Noticing how the state of mind I'm in when I'm creating is a consciousness that allows me to see possibilities and opportunities that weren't able to be on my screen even a few weeks ago. It's more than just a flow state. It's a level of inspiration that keeps revealing more and more potential. Seeing so many ways I can use the quiz and course software and design tools I've been learning, and how many opportunities to help others with those skills and that knowledge there are. If you're feeling stuck in any area, find a creative activity to immerse yourself in for a little while and see if that activity allows your mind to shift into a greater expansion of awareness, allowing you to see the possibilities you're waiting and looking for. #onlinecourse #quizzes #teachable 

Letting Go of Perfectionism - Audrey Holst

▼▼▼Watch or Listen Below!▼▼▼ Perfectionism is a part of the human experience that has many definitions and is perceived by some to be a positive character trait while others view it as an obstacle to success. It’s a common factor that isn’t related to one personality type over others, isn’t limited to high achievers or low, and can affect people at every level of self-image. If you’ve ever believed that you had to show up a certain way to be accepted or had to have all your circumstances exactly in order before you could start working on something or have hidden something you’ve done after comparing it to the work of others, you’ve experienced perfectionism. Audrey Holst is a coach who guides perfectionists and stressed-out high achievers and performers that are ready to start enjoying and living the life they've worked so hard for. She teaches her clients simple and practical tools of self-discovery to move through old patterns of perfectionism into greater freedom and open-hearte...