
Nourishing Silence

Today my being came to an almost full stop. Despite the list of things I wanted to accomplish and the regular things I would do on a Sunday, today was a day made for silence. Not just quiet - silence. There is a depth of silence that isn't always easy to reach, but it's always here, and it is the silence that restores, replenishes, and nourishes. It doesn't manifest as more energy but rather as deep peace and calm. I've had recent conversations with a couple of people who need a full reset, but it's nearly impossible for them to stop long enough for it to happen. It's almost as if they are frightened they'll be unable to return to their normal hustle and bustle if they allow themselves even a few hours of this nourishment. Some of the most well-known spiritual masters invite people to stop. Today I understand why. #silence #mindset #reset  

A Lesson From ZZ Top's First Gig

 I've loved ZZ Top's music since I bought the 8-Track tape of their Fandango album when I was a freshman in high school. I even loved them when they added the fake drums and synthesizers. Last year, when Dusty Hill died, I felt like I'd lost a personal best friend. So I've watched the Netflix documentary, ZZ Top: Just a Little Ol' Band From Texas, three and a half times, and I'll finish the fourth tonight. One of the things they talked about in the film was their first gig. This part of the story has stuck with me because it's one thing I have in common with them - I had a first gig, too. And my first gig had the same number of attendees - one. They bought the guy at their show a coke when they took a break so he'd stay for the second half.  Sometimes, our first run at something gets a minimal response even with our best marketing efforts. It's easy to get discouraged when this happens, but it isn't a commentary on the work you're doing or ha

Writing Articles for Publications - Erica Holthausen

 ▼ Watch and Listen Below! ▼ For coaches, consultants, and other experts, reaching new audiences with your messages, experience, and offers is one of the biggest business challenges. You'll be given a litany of options that will include blogging, YouTube, social media strategy, public speaking, podcasting, and whatever marketing soup of the day everyone is raving about. Erica Holthausen has a better idea. Share your expertise with the masses by publishing articles in major publications like Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and professional journals. The digital realm has opened many doors for experts to share their writing that weren't available even a few years ago. Erica's coaching programs help professionals plan, write, pitch, and place their articles in publications that will expose thousands of new people to their work. From here, you'll want to join her for her free Q and A session, Pitched to Published here: While you

Industry Standard Doesn't Mean Best Option

Many years ago, a good friend of mine spent over five thousand dollars on a digital recording system featuring ProTools's latest and greatest technology. My friend had never had any experience with digital recording, although he'd had decades of experience with analog. His sole reason for purchasing the system he did was that the salesman told him it was the industry standard, which was a true statement. He set out to learn how to use his new system and ran into obstacle after obstacle. Months after purchasing it, he had yet to have recorded even a few seconds of audio. He was beyond frustrated. Yes, this system was industry standard, but it was intended to be used by professional level technicians, not novices. He never was able to make the system work. We need to treat claims of industry standard with an eye of caution and suspicion as DIY entrepreneurs. Just because professionals within an industry can make something work doesn't mean it's your best option as a new u

Not Wanting To Be Found

I had a realization the last few days that doesn't come as much of a surprise, but it is liberating to finally see. Several people wondered why I had a small mailing list after being perceived as a marketing expert. It felt good to finally articulate that I don't really want to be found, and I don't think I'm the expert that others see. I do love marketing because it's the most human thing about business, but I still don't believe that there is an honest-to-God marketing expert anywhere in the world. It's too fluid to be mastered. All that said, when I saw and admitted that at the root of it all I don't want to be discovered, located, found, or noticed, I breathed a huge sigh of relief at having made the statement.  Visibility may or may not have helped my situation. At some point, people did find out about me, but more often than not, I found them first. If I meet someone and discover I can help them, I will be relentless in my pursuit. But I don't

After the Fall

This morning started out with a thud. Listen for more details. I love walking my dog. I think he knew he was about to go to the groomer, so he tried to throw a kink in the works. I had her cut his hair extra short this time. I am OK, but I've had a lot on my mind since then.  Circumstances happen quickly, but our lasting experiences don't appear to be caused by the events themselves but rather by the thinking afterward. I've had a hundred different experiences of the same event today, but the event only really happened once. #impagination #mindset #reality  

Franklin on Grown Women Growing Wealth Podcast!

  I enjoyed visiting with my friends, Daphne Jones and Roberta Ravella on their podcast, Grown Women Growing Wealth.  We covered a lot of ground - concerns about the economy, changing plans in the middle of crises, creating a business centered on creative gifts and talents, and much more. When you listen, be sure to take a few minutes to leave a review and let them know how you enjoy the show. Roberta and Daphne have both been recent guests on Your Own Best Company so if you'd like to hear their stories, here are the links: Daphne: Roberta: To listen to the audio version, click here: Thanks for watching!