
A Halloween Lesson in Inclusion

A few years ago, on Halloween night, I was touched by the kindness of a little kid in my neighborhood who ran out of his way to put a Snickers bar in my hand. There's still a bog somewhere to remember that small act that continues to move me all these years later. Fast forward to tonight. The same kid a few years older sees that I have Hershey bars in the candy mix in my bowl, and he asks if he could have one of those instead. Of course, you can! He ran to the sidewalk where his parents were waiting, and he put the Hershey bar in his mom's hand and says, here, I got this for you. I know it's your favorite. Who is this small ninja of love? This guy shows us all that including someone doesn't have to be difficult, and it shouldn't be a big show. It's as simple as sharing something from your own bag of treats. I hope the harshness of the world never takes this quality away from him. Happy Halloween! #kindness #generosity #sharing 

Recommended: The Entrepreneur's Ecosystem Podcast

After I found the Interact Quiz Builder, I joined the Quiz Collective, Interact's member community. I started attending some training and support events offered there and was introduced to Dawn Petrin and Chant Zak. Dawn offers support for copywriting and email quiz promotion, and Chanti is recognized as the brand evangelist for Interact Quizzes. They have a list of enviable experiences to back up their authority and appeal. Writing quizzes for people like Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher, Joanna Weibe, and many others is just a start. Their intuitive feel for communicating with prospective customers and their energy and enthusiasm come across in all the ways they present their ideas. But wait, there's more! Dawn and Chanti host one of my favorite podcasts, The Entrepreneur's Ecosystem. Yes, this is a business podcast, but it isn't like any other business podcast you've heard. This one feels like a gathering in a rustic living room, with a cup of tea, a glass of wine,

Conversation Through Content - The 4 Ps - Cat Stancik

One of the most popular episodes of Your Own Best Company in 2021 featured an energized and inspiring conversation with The Lead Boss, Cat Stancik. In this "Best Of" clip, Cat shares her social media content strategy, the 4 Ps: Popcorn Positioning Prospecting and Pitching Cat uses and recommends this conversational content framework as a part of her lead generation strategy that centers on building strong relationships and finding leads among the people you're already connected with. Find the entire episode here: To learn more about Cat, visit #socialmedia #leadgeneration #contentstrategy 

Business and the Nervous System - Danielle Gardner, Author of Quiet Marketing

Author of Quiet Marketing, Danielle Gardner is back to talk about some recent insights on the impact of our business practices on our nervous systems. This episode was inspired by a recent interview Dani had with an astrologer in which she talked about ways that the business and marketing techniques she's been taught caused deregulation of her nervous system, leading to heightened stress and unease in her work. In this conversation, we look beyond the surface of the topic and explore questions like: ** How does nontransparent pricing shock our systems? ** How can we release social media compulsions? ** Challenging the "everywhere, all the time" mindset. ** Learning to listen to the oracle of your body. and more! Dani's Social Hermit program will be starting the first week of November. For more information, visit If you haven't read Quiet Marketing yet, you'll find it at this handy Amazon Associate's link: (R

Where's My Supersuit?

Did you see The Incredibles? Remember when Frozone couldn't find his supersuit after he got the long-awaited call from Mr. Incredible that their superservices were needed? The suit was the key to his powers. This Coffee Break is inspired by a question that came up in a conversation this morning about favorite Halloween costumes from growing up years. You'll find out my favorite and the impact it had on a timid four-year-old who wanted desperately to feel like a more powerful person. Share your favorite costume in the comments. And if you're ready to move out of feeling stuck, dissatisfied, and uncertain, schedule your free coaching session at #superpower #mindset #selfdiscovery 

Tests and Experts Are Allowed to Be Wrong About You

Thanks to Brandon Soltwisch and the Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship classes at the University of Northern Colorado for the invitation to speak today. I enjoyed our discussion of target markets and customer avatars, and I hope you found it both fun and helpful. Every time I've presented for college classes I remember the visit to my high school guidance counselor when I was told I wasn't college material and that I should change my focus to the vocational track and learn how to work with my hands. And the career tests I took didn't really know what to do with me so they suggested things like bus driver, police dispatcher, and telephone technician. I knew immediately they didn't have my number. And I've never known exactly the future path I've wanted to take. I've followed my curiosity from one opportunity to another and I've collected a long, strange set of capabilities that has been as weird as the trip I've been on. I just want you to know that tho

Is Your Free Stuff Keeping People From Buying?

Between meeting a potential client and inviting them to purchase a service, my client had four stages of free offers. Most people didn't get past the first one, and no one had the patience for all four. The only people who paid her were those who had been referred by other clients. Find out how we changed her strategy in today's Coffee Break. Hints: ** Limit stages between meet and purchase to no more than three. ** Use the freebie to help them make an educated buying decision. ** Don't call it a newsletter or invite people to join your list. ** Don't feel like you have to give things away to thank people. Let's see how this turns out. #marketing #freebies #leadmagnet